09 Feb Monroe gives 41st Annual Birthday Salute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Monroe held it’s 41st Annual Birthday Salute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Wednesday. Source: (KNOE)
MONROE, La. (KNOE) Monroe held it’s 41st Annual Birthday Salute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Wednesday.
The theme of the ceremony was “A Recommitment to Nonviolence.”
Guest Speaker Dr. Carolyn Hunt said we’re living in a time when the city is dark and she thinks people can let their light shine by being kind and understanding their fellow man.
“They need to operate in the same spirit that Dr. Martin Luther King did. And that is a spirit of non-violence, a spirit of love. To care one for another, to care for their neighbors,” she said. “It does not matter their color, their creed, their nationality, or what side of town they live on, that we are all God’s creations, and we need to walk in a spirit of love.”
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