electronic monitoring
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electronic monitoring

City of Faith offers alternative sentencing solutions to treatment courts, district courts, circuit courts, probation/pretrial services, and child support enforcement.  Using evidence based best practices, we are able to help reduce the burden on locals jails by offering electronic monitoring to low-level offenders.
Carrie Williams, Business Development Manager
Alternative Sentencing Solutions
AIR® Check-In App – The AIR Check-In App is a remote check-in application downloaded to a participants personal smartphone
AIR® Mobile – A customized smartphone with control features that enables agencies to consistently reach clients and help them stay accountable to program terms
AIR® Connect – AIR® Connect is a small, lightweight, tamper-proof tether that pairs with the AIR® Mobile through a Bluetooth connection
BLUtag® – A one-piece GPS tracking solution that can monitor the movements of participants in active, passive and hybrid modes
CheckBAC® – A reliable, state of the art fuel cell, Bluetooth® breathalyzer that pairs with AIR Mobile
Learning Management Systems – Our cloud-based learning management system offers exclusive educational content from a variety of trusted providers, including the Corrections Rehabilitation Institute (CRI), available in both English and Spanish. The system covers a wide range of topics, such as personal development, career readiness, financial literacy, substance abuse education, conflict resolution, parenting, and defensive driving. Additionally, we provide courses on behavioral change, entrepreneurship, and specialized areas like anti-bullying and alcohol awareness, ensuring comprehensive learning opportunities to support individual growth and success.
Supervisor Interface: Dashboard
Introducing a comprehensive web-based management platform, a cornerstone
of every AIR® product. This platform acts as a virtual central hub for effortless participant management and monitoring.
Using specialized smartphones in corrections has proven benefits beyond just GPS tracking. It also provides ongoing data accumulation on other reentry success variables such as:
  • Technical violation of reentry terms
  • Quality of participant interaction with supervision office
  • Participant goal attainment (e.g., finishing a degree, engaging in behavioral classes)
  • Community stability (e.g., stable housing and employment, connection to treatment and services support, involvement in positive social networks).
  • Public Safety
Supervisor Interface: App
With the Air® Supervisor app its accessible just about anywhere on a range of smart devices, including tablets and smartphones, it offers unparalleled convenience. The app is designed to streamline standard administration and eliminate unnecessary tasks.
With this user-friendly app, you can effortlessly on-board participants, request checkins, start video chats, and review participant terms and conditions, all from the palm of your hand or the comfort of your web platform.
Learning Management Systems
Our cloud-based learning management system offers exclusive educational content from a variety of trusted providers, including the Corrections Rehabilitation Institute (CRI), available in both English and Spanish. Topics include:
  • Personal Development & Behavioral Change
  • Career Readiness & Financial Literacy
  • Substance Abuse Education & Alcohol Awareness
  • Conflict Resolution & Parenting
  • Defensive Driving & Entrepreneurship
  • Anti-Bullying & Specialized Education
These courses ensure comprehensive learning to support individual growth and success.
Otter Victim Notification
Fully customizable victim alert system integrated with AIR® alerts
  • AIR® restriction zone
  • Automated phone call, text or e-mail alerts
    • Notifications to victims home, work and other frequented locations
  • Contact multiple contacts
    • 911/police, victim, family, probation officer, case managers
  • Conference calling feature
    • Connecting resources with victim
  • Alert notifications out in 3 to 6 minutes of zone breach
Interested in a demo?  Call or email us to schedule an in-person appointment.